In this installment of our Day in the Life Series, we talk to a finance manager at a global internet company. Historically at the Corner Office, we lump Finance and Accounting into one. Not so – managing budgets and forecasting are completely different to auditing historical profits and losses. Read below to find out what a typical day looks like.
Can you sum up your main responsibilities?
I’m responsible for the consolidated budgeting and forecasting for all of our international operations. I try to address any finance related questions that are directed to our corporate office. I handle any ad hoc finance related requests from our EMEA leaders.
Did you require further education to get to your current position?
I’m currently 2 months away from completing my MBA. I’m not sure that it’s necessarily required, but I believe continuing your education signals to leadership that you are serious about your development. The large time commitment has taught me how to become more focused and productive in both your work and personal life. I am fortunate that my company really encourages personal development. It’s essential to take advantage of the opportunity.
What are the working hours like?
I typically try to arrive to the office early, as the European markets I support are already halfway through their day. It’s nice to be able to interact and accomplish things immediately rather than send emails and have to wait until the following day for a response. Unfortunately, arriving early doesn’t necessarily mean leaving early, as I still need to interact with the employees working in the US.
What are the pluses and minuses of working as a Finance Manger ?
I think the biggest plus is being able to work across countries and cultures. Every business is unique, and I’m fortunate to have the opportunity to interact with everyone. The big minus is probably the distance I am from the people I support. I often only see most of them a couple of times a year. However, those few times I am able to spend with everyone are really the highlights of my year.
What has been your greatest achievement of your career?
Making our incentive trip this year was a huge achievement for me. I’ve seen and heard such great things about the experience. It’s even more exciting that I’ll be able to attend the international trip destination and bond with the people I work with all year. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the support and teamwork of the international group as a whole.
Where do you see yourself in five year’s time?
I hope to be playing a larger, more interactive role within our financial operations and gain acquisition and integration experience.
Do you think the benefits and rewards match up to your expectations?
I think recognition at my company is an area which they excel. I try not to take anything for granted, so any opportunity I have to travel or gain new experiences typically exceed my expectations.
How are the social aspects at your workplace?
Great! My company has a very unique culture where we have a great time while still exceeding expectations.